Dump picks and corresponding waveforms

Joachim Saul

The Goal

After a manual review/repicking of an event I often want to dump the waveforms as MiniSEED and write the picks as plain text file for later usage like picker testing etc. I provide here the scripts I use for that purpose. Note that some of this can also be achieved using the scart utility, but as many ways lead to Rome I provide my solution here as an alternative.


It is good practice to save common usage of a Python script into a Shell script for convenience. Here we have a script dumppickwaveforms.sh which in turn calls the Python script dumppickwaveforms.py for each event ID specified on the command line of the Shell script. In addition to invoking the Python script for dumping the waveforms, the Shell script also calls scbulletin.


./dumppickwaveforms.sh gfz2010ftba gfz2010ftwx gfz2010ftye

will dump the waveforms for the specified events into folders named with the respective event ID. Waveforms for each stream are written into MiniSEED files placed into the respective event folder as well as the pick lists and event xml.


The time window will be from 360 s before till 360 s after the P onset of that event. This is hardcoded and can easily be changed by editing dumppickwaveforms.py.
