Common configuration parameters

The configuration of SeisComP3 is quite complex, but flexible. The configuration files are located in ~/.seiscomp3. Configuration parameter, which are used by all applications like messaging and database address, should be mentioned in the global.cfg file. For application specific parameters separated files are used e.g. scrttv.cfg. Beside the configuration by files also the use of commandline arguments is possible. The configuration parameter in common for all application class programs are:

connection.server <string>
same as --host[:port]; name of messaging server or IP

connection.username <string>
same as --user; client name used when connecting to the messaging system
connection.primaryGroup <string>
same as --primary-group; the primary message group of the client
connection.subscriptions <string>
same as --subscribe-group; group to subscribe to
recordstream.service <string>
same as --record-url; the record source service: seedlink or/and arclink
recordstream.source <string>
same as --record-url; recordstream source server or IP and optional port

The commandline options in common for all application class programs like scrttv, scmv, scolv, scesv, scqcv are:

--help, -h
Show the list of available commandline options.
--config-module <string>
Configuration module name to use. The default is "trunk".
--database <string>
The database connection string, format: service://user:pwd@host/database
List all supported database drivers.
--encoding <string>
Sets the message encoding, options: binary or xml.
--host, -H <string>
The messaging host/IP and optional with port number.
--primary-group <string>
The primary message group of the client.
List all supported record stream drivers.
--record-url, -I <string>
The record source URL, format: [service://location[:port], e.g. combined://hostname1:18000;hostname2:18001
--subscribe-group <string>
Subscribe to this message group. This option can be given more than once.
--timeout <int>
Connection timeout of the module in seconds.
--user, -u <string>
Client name used when connecting to the messaging system.
--inventory-db <filename>
Path to an inventory XML. If given the inventory is read from this file instead of the database. This can be useful for offline processing or test different inventory sets without modifying the database.

The application specific parameters are mentioned in the application chapters. There are three different types of applications. Applications which are responsible for the data processing like scautopick or scautoloc; graphical user interfaces which deal with the visualization of the results like scrttv, scmv or scesv and utilities.