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Event summary view.


scesv is the the summary display of the event parameters. It shows the primary information about the current event including location, time, strength, type and processing status. Additional to the current event also older events can be chosen from the eventlist in the events tab.

The two tabs of scesv are shown in Eventlist tab and Summary tab. The events tab shows the eventlist of the time span defined on the bottom side of the window.


Eventlist tab

Tab1-2: Summary/Events tab, EventList: list of the last events with summarized information, List options: Show fake events, Reading 1: spinbox to limit timespan of displayed events (in days), Reading 2: spinboxes to limit timespan of displayed events (specified dates), Status: connection status

The actual (default) or selected event (from eventlist) is shown in the (Summary tab). Here the information are highlighted in four sections:

section description
Time orign time in UTC and relative to now
Region a map of the region and location with the event and stations
Magnitude different magnitude types, the values and counts
Hypocenter origin information with location, depth, azimuthal gap etc.


Summary tab

Tab1-2: Summary/Events tab, Origin Time: origin time in UTC and relative to now, Map: map with region and location and stations, Magnitude: different magnitude types with values and counts, Origin Info: hypocenter information with position, phase count and azimuthal gap, Event: earthquake location, Station: station with ray-path, Details: "Show Details" button to open detailed information in scolv, Event Type: event type combo box to set event type, Status: connection status


Hotkey Description
F2 Setup connection dialog
F6 Show propagation of P and S wave
F8 Toggle auto update
F9 Show raypaths and associated stations
F10 Toggle tabs
F11 Toggle fullscreen
Mouse wheel Zoom map in/out
Double click Center map



scesv inherits global options.


Type: boolean

If the event type is either "other" or "not existing" and this flag is true then the event will not be shown. Default is true.


Type: boolean

If enabled the last automatic solution is displayed next to the current solution in the summary panel. If the last automatic solution differs from the current solution it is displayed in red. If both solutions match it is displayed in gray. Default is false.


Type: boolean

If enabled only the most recent event is shown even if an update of an older event is being received. Default is true.


Type: boolean

If enabled an additional button is displayed which allows to switch back the latest automatic solution. This button triggers an command for scevent to prioritize automatic solutions until the next manual solution is available. Default is false.


Type: list:string

A list of magnitude types to be displayed. Default is M,MLv,mb,mB,Mw(mB).


Type: string

Label of button0 which triggers script0.


Type: string

Label of button1 which triggers script1.


Type: string

Path to a script if button0 is clicked.


Type: string

Path to a script if button1 is clicked.


Type: boolean

If enabled, the parameter list of script0 is eventID, arrivalCount, magnitude, description.

If disabled, the parameter list of script0 is eventID, preferredOriginID, preferredMagnitudeID, preferredFocalMechanismID. Default is true.


Type: boolean

If enabled, the parameter list of script1 is eventID, arrivalCount, magnitude, description.

If disabled, the parameter list of script1 is eventID, preferredOriginID, preferredMagnitudeID, preferredFocalMechanismID. Default is true.


Type: boolean

Draw borders in the summary panel. Default is false.


Type: double

Minimum longitude of initial displayed map region.


Type: double

Maximum longitude of initial displayed map region.


Type: double

Minimum latitude of initial displayed map region.


Type: double

Maximum latitude of initial displayed map region.

Type: string


Type: string


Type: string

Type: string


Type: string


Type: string


Type: double

Unit: deg

Maximum distance in degrees of a POI (point of interest read from cities.xml) to be taken into account. Default is 20.


Type: double

The minimum population of a POI to be taken into account.


Type: string

Message conversion string that converts a POI into the text displayed under the region label. There are different placeholders that can be used: @dist@, @dir@, @poi@ and @region@.