Stand-Alone Arclink server (without full station responses)

Here I show a step-by-step instruction on how to setup Arclink to serv data from a SDS directory struture on a small network i.e. a stand alone server. This setup will not give you a fullSEED, if it does, for sure it is quite wrong (not the setup, but the miniSeed). I assume you are using the pre-compiled binary file for your system (In my case ubuntu10.04-i686) and that your username is mbianchi (on the machine ;)). Also, my SDS structure lies at ~/SDS/...

Below is the copy of my machine terminal after I have finished the step-by-step, just follow it to have your own initial Arclink server running on your local machine.

mbianchi@Suez:~$ tar xzf sc3-compile/seiscomp3-potsdam-2010.344.01-ubuntu10.04-i686.tar.gz
mbianchi@Suez:~$ cd seiscomp3/
mbianchi@Suez:~/seiscomp3$ ./setup 
SeisComP home directory: /home/mbianchi/seiscomp3
Creating /home/mbianchi/seiscomp3/lib/
Creating /home/mbianchi/seiscomp3/bin/seiscomp
Creating /home/mbianchi/seiscomp3/bin/msrtsimul
Creating /home/mbianchi/seiscomp3/bin/import_dlsv
Creating /home/mbianchi/seiscomp3/bin/import_nettab
Creating /home/mbianchi/seiscomp3/bin/sync_nettab
Creating /home/mbianchi/seiscomp3/bin/extr_file
Creating /home/mbianchi/seiscomp3/bin/nettab2xml
Initialize MySQL database on localhost [yes]: 
MySQL root password (not echoed): 
creating /home/mbianchi/seiscomp3/bin/scadmin
creating /home/mbianchi/seiscomp3/bin/scbulletin
creating /home/mbianchi/seiscomp3/bin/scdb
creating /home/mbianchi/seiscomp3/bin/scesv
creating /home/mbianchi/seiscomp3/bin/scevtls
creating /home/mbianchi/seiscomp3/bin/scm
creating /home/mbianchi/seiscomp3/bin/scmm
creating /home/mbianchi/seiscomp3/bin/scmv
creating /home/mbianchi/seiscomp3/bin/scolv
creating /home/mbianchi/seiscomp3/bin/scqc
creating /home/mbianchi/seiscomp3/bin/scqcv
creating /home/mbianchi/seiscomp3/bin/scquery
creating /home/mbianchi/seiscomp3/bin/scrttv
creating /home/mbianchi/seiscomp3/bin/scxmldump
creating /home/mbianchi/seiscomp3/bin/sync_dlsv
creating /home/mbianchi/seiscomp3/bin/dlsv2inv
creating /home/mbianchi/seiscomp3/bin/arclinktool
creating /home/mbianchi/seiscomp3/bin/arclink_fetch
creating /home/mbianchi/seiscomp3/bin/fill_db
creating /home/mbianchi/seiscomp3/bin/dump_db
creating /home/mbianchi/seiscomp3/bin/sync_db
creating /home/mbianchi/seiscomp3/bin/dbtool
Create symbolic links in ~/bin [no]: 

mbianchi@Suez:~/seiscomp3$ seiscomp config 
SeisComP version 3.0 (2010.344)
Initializing global parameters
0) Simple acquisition system
1) Advanced acquisition and processing system
2) ArcLink system
Configuration style [1]: 2
Name of Data Center: TESTE
Path to waveform archive [/home/mbianchi/seiscomp3/acquisition/archive]: 
Use syslog when supported [yes]: 
Initializing trunk
Agency ID: btt 
Datacenter ID [btt]: 
Prefix of event ID [btt]: 
Client list: 
Log level [2]: 
Enable local master [yes]: 
Address of master [localhost:4803]: 
Database type [mysql]: 
Database read connection [sysop:sysop@localhost/seiscomp3]: 
Database write connection (only applicable to local master) [sysop:sysop@localhost/seiscomp3]: 
Recordstream service [slink]: 
Recordstream source [localhost:18000]: 
Update inventory (set to 'no' if using sync_dlsv) [no]: 
Run scqc as a daily cronjob [no]: 
Initializing acquisition
Enable local SeedLink [no]: 
Enable slarchive [no]: 
Enable real-time simulation [no]: 
Initializing arclink
Enable local ArcLink [yes]: 
Master ArcLink node for DB synchronization []: _
Time of DB synchronization [22:55]: 
Maximum size of data product (MB) [500]: 
ArcLink admin password: test123
Initializing diskmon
Disk usage treshold in per cent [95]: 
List of e-mail addresses to notify: 

G) Edit global parameters
A) Add/Edit network
R) Remove network
P) Add/Edit configuration profile
W) Write configuration and quit
Q) Quit without writing configuration
Command? [A]: P

Following packages are selectable: trunk acquisition arclink 
Select package: arclink
No profiles defined for package arclink
Select existing or new profile: default

Creating new profile default
Public SeedLink servers (comma separated, decreasing priority) []: localhost:18000
Public ArcLink servers (comma separated, decreasing priority) []: localhost:18001
Users allowed to access the data via ArcLink (leave empty if no restrictions): 

G) Edit global parameters
A) Add/Edit network
R) Remove network
P) Add/Edit configuration profile
W) Write configuration and quit
Q) Quit without writing configuration
Command? [A]: w

Writing global configuration
No networks defined

Writing configuration for trunk
starting spread
starting scmaster
updating database
/home/mbianchi/seiscomp3/lib/python/seiscomp/ DeprecationWarning: the sets module is deprecated
  from sets import Set as set
20:31:09 [notice] Starting
20:31:11 [notice] Connection to localhost:4803 established
20:31:14 [notice] Shutdown

Writing configuration for acquisition
No networks defined

Writing configuration for arclink

Writing configuration for diskmon
mbianchi@Suez:~/seiscomp3$ seiscomp start
SeisComP version 3.0 (2010.344)
spread is already running
scmaster is already running
starting arclink
enabling diskspace monitoring
mbianchi@Suez:~/seiscomp3$ telnet 18001
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Invalid argument
mbianchi@Suez:~/seiscomp3$ telnet localhost 18001
mbianchi@Suez:~/seiscomp3$ telnet localhost 18001
Trying ::1...
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
user marcelo
request waveform format=MSEED
2010,01,01,00,01,00 2010,01,01,00,05,00 GE MALT
status 0
<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <request id="0" type="WAVEFORM" label="" args="format=MSEED" size="0" ready="true" error="false" message="">
    <volume id="ERROR" status="ERROR" size="0" message="">
      <line content="2010,01,01,00,01,00 2010,01,01,00,05,00 GE MALT" status="ERROR" size="0" message="incorrectly formulated request"/>
request waveform format=MSEED
2010,01,01,00,01,00 2010,01,01,00,05,00 GE MALT BHZ
status 1
<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <request id="1" type="WAVEFORM" label="" args="format=MSEED" size="0" ready="true" error="false" message="">
    <volume id="NODATA" status="NODATA" size="0" message="">
      <line content="2010,01,01,00,01,00 2010,01,01,00,05,00 GE MALT BHZ" status="NODATA" size="0" message="metadata not found in the database"/>
Connection closed by foreign host.
mbianchi@Suez:~/seiscomp3$ seiscomp stop
SeisComP version 3.0 (2010.344)
disabling diskspace monitoring
shutting down arclink
shutting down scmaster
shutting down spread
mbianchi@Suez:~/seiscomp3$ seiscomp config 
SeisComP version 3.0 (2010.344)

G) Edit global parameters
A) Add/Edit network
R) Remove network
P) Add/Edit configuration profile
W) Write configuration and quit
Q) Quit without writing configuration
Command? [A]: A

No networks defined
Network code: GE

Adding new network GE
Network description [GE network]: GE teste
Network name [GE-Net]: GE-teste

A) Add/Edit station
R) Remove station
Q) Back to main menu
Command? [A]: A

No stations defined in network GE
Station code: MALT

Adding new station MALT
Station description [GE station]: teste MALT
Latitude: -10.0
Longitude: -30.0
Elevation: 0.0
Datalogger [Q330]: 
Primary sensor [STS-2N]: 
Unit of STS-2N [M/S]: 
Gain multiplier of STS-2N [1.0]: 
Sample rates of STS-2N [100/20/1/0.1]: 
Depth of STS-2N: 0.0
Secondary sensor (eg., strong-motion): 
Start date [2006/001]: 2000/001
Enable trunk for GE_MALT [yes]: no
Enable acquisition for GE_MALT [yes]: no
Enable arclink for GE_MALT [yes]: 
Use predefined profile [no]: yes
Following profiles are defined for package arclink: default 
Select profile: default

A) Add/Edit station
R) Remove station
Q) Back to main menu
Command? [A]: q

G) Edit global parameters
A) Add/Edit network
R) Remove network
P) Add/Edit configuration profile
W) Write configuration and quit
Q) Quit without writing configuration
Command? [A]: w

Writing global configuration

Writing configuration for trunk
starting spread
starting scmaster
updating database
/home/mbianchi/seiscomp3/lib/python/seiscomp/ DeprecationWarning: the sets module is deprecated
  from sets import Set as set
20:35:21 [notice] Starting
20:35:24 [notice] Connection to localhost:4803 established
20:35:24 [warning] parameter set trunk/Station/GE/MALT does not exist
20:35:25 [notice] Shutdown

Writing configuration for acquisition
+ network GE teste
  + station teste MALT
    - acquisition not enabled for GE_MALT

Writing configuration for arclink

Writing configuration for diskmon
mbianchi@Suez:~/seiscomp3$ seiscomp start
SeisComP version 3.0 (2010.344)
spread is already running
scmaster is already running
starting arclink
enabling diskspace monitoring
mbianchi@Suez:~/seiscomp3$ telnet localhost 18001
Trying ::1...
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
user marcelo
request waveform format=MSEED
2010,01,01,00,01,00 2010,01,01,00,05,00 GE MALT BHZ
status 2
<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <request id="2" type="WAVEFORM" label="" args="format=MSEED" size="0" ready="true" error="false" message="">
    <volume id="btt" status="NODATA" size="0" message="">
      <line content="2010,01,01,00,01,00 2010,01,01,00,05,00 GE MALT BHZ" status="NODATA" size="0" message=""/>
Connection closed by foreign host.
mbianchi@Suez:~/seiscomp3$ seiscomp stop
SeisComP version 3.0 (2010.344)
disabling diskspace monitoring
shutting down arclink
shutting down scmaster
shutting down spread
mbianchi@Suez:~/seiscomp3$ ln -s  ~/SDS/2010/ acquisition/archive/
mbianchi@Suez:~/seiscomp3$ ls acquisition/archive/ -l
total 0
lrwxrwxrwx 1 mbianchi mbianchi 24 2011-03-29 20:37 2010 -> /home/mbianchi/SDS/2010/
mbianchi@Suez:~/seiscomp3$ ls acquisition/archive/2010 -l
lrwxrwxrwx 1 mbianchi mbianchi 24 2011-03-29 20:37 acquisition/archive/2010 -> /home/mbianchi/SDS/2010/
mbianchi@Suez:~/seiscomp3$ ls acquisition/archive/2010/-l
ls: impossível acessar acquisition/archive/2010/-l: Arquivo ou diretório não encontrado
mbianchi@Suez:~/seiscomp3$ ls acquisition/archive/2010/ -l
total 4
drwxr-xr-x 3 mbianchi mbianchi 4096 2011-03-29 20:25 GE
mbianchi@Suez:~/seiscomp3$ seiscomp start 
SeisComP version 3.0 (2010.344)
starting spread
starting scmaster
starting arclink
enabling diskspace monitoring
mbianchi@Suez:~/seiscomp3$ telnet localhost 18001
Trying ::1...
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
user marcelo
request waveform format=MSEED
2010,01,01,00,01,00 2010,01,01,00,05,00 GE MALT BHZ                                        
status 3
<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <request id="3" type="WAVEFORM" label="" args="format=MSEED" size="4096" ready="true" error="false" message="">
    <volume id="btt" status="OK" size="4096" message="">
      <line content="2010,01,01,00,01,00 2010,01,01,00,05,00 GE MALT BHZ" status="OK" size="4096" message=""/>
Connection closed by foreign host.
mbianchi@Suez:~/seiscomp3$ cd 
mbianchi@Suez:~$ arclinktool -o -d 3 localhost:18001
Usage: -u user [-i institution] [-o file] [-b] {-r|-s|-d|-p} host:port error: username required
mbianchi@Suez:~$ arclinktool -u marcelo -o -d 3 localhost:18001
Connected to ArcLink v1.2 (2010.256) at TESTE
Download successful
mbianchi@Suez:~$ msi
msi      msiexec  
mbianchi@Suez:~$ msi 
GE_MALT__BHZ, 009693, D, 512, 677 samples, 20 Hz, 2010,001,00:00:27.307911
GE_MALT__BHZ, 009694, D, 512, 693 samples, 20 Hz, 2010,001,00:01:01.157911
GE_MALT__BHZ, 009695, D, 512, 690 samples, 20 Hz, 2010,001,00:01:35.807911
GE_MALT__BHZ, 009696, D, 512, 699 samples, 20 Hz, 2010,001,00:02:10.307911
GE_MALT__BHZ, 009697, D, 512, 690 samples, 20 Hz, 2010,001,00:02:45.257911
GE_MALT__BHZ, 009698, D, 512, 699 samples, 20 Hz, 2010,001,00:03:19.757911
GE_MALT__BHZ, 009699, D, 512, 687 samples, 20 Hz, 2010,001,00:03:54.707911
GE_MALT__BHZ, 009700, D, 512, 692 samples, 20 Hz, 2010,001,00:04:29.057911
mbianchi@Suez:~$ seiscomp stop
SeisComP version 3.0 (2010.344)
disabling diskspace monitoring
shutting down arclink
shutting down scmaster
shutting down spread